Monday, April 11, 2016

Messy March Paintings Drop

March 27 2016 4"x4" on Aquabord
Available on Daily Paint Works
Hello again! This is a bit of a sloppy post, but I would like to get it out of the way so that I can move forward with more posts once again. This is a conglomerate post of several others that I began, but didn't post. A little due to time, but honestly - mostly due to matters of the mind.

So- is this all I painted in March and April so far?? Honestly, no, but not too much more.  I've created one other "decent" painting, but it was for a gift I don't want to spoil accidentally. I've also done a couple more paintings outside, a couple of abstracts that really did not work, and some planning for a larger project.

March 20 & 21, 2016 8"x10" on Claybord
A piece donated for an art auction - my largest gouache piece so far.

March 10, 2016 4"x4" on Claybord
Palette:Prussian Blue, Peacock Blue, Permanent Green Deep, Chinese Orange +W

March 9, 2016 4"x4" on Claybord
Palette:Prussian Blue, Peacock Blue, Permanent Green Deep, Chinese Orange +W
After a series of still lifes, I was itching to do some abstract work while still practicing looking from life. I took a favorite blue shirt with colors like the aurora borealis, twisted it, and painted a section paying closer attention to the colors than to representing it perfectly. A fun project that needed repeated.

March 6, 2016 ~4" x 5.5" in Watercolor Sketchbook
Palette:Prussian Blue, Chinese Orange, Yellow Ochre

A few weekend, my husband and I took our first driving trip to go hiking. It was my first trip to Missouri's mountain, Tom Sauk Mountain! I thought I'd stop to paint a couple of times, but I ended up only painting once. This might be my first little plein air study! It was a beautiful view on a beautiful day.
March 5, 2016 4.25"x5.5" on Watercolor Paper
Palette:Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, B+W
March 4, 2016  4.5" x 5.5" on Watercolor Paper
Palette: Flame Red, Juane Brilliant, Ultramarine Deep, W
March 1-3, 2016 6"x8" on Claybord
Palette: Peacock Blue, Flame Red, Permanent Yellow, Yellow Ochre, B+W